
Dream of a common Language



Dream of a Common Language brings together a group of people from very different life realities. They speak a language that lives beneath words. They try to share untranslatable personal experiences. They meet each other bare, with their inner worlds, pasts, desires and fictions. They explore lack of understanding as a driving force, as something that sets us in motion towards the world. They invite us to become aware of our efforts to build bridges, make sense of differences and to connect with each other.


Direction and Choreographie: Mariana Romagnani

Creation und Performance: Hilla Steinert, Sheila Schlechter, Grace Schulz, Mariana Romagnani, Tom Monteiro

Dramaturgy: Ari Adamski

Music: Tom Monteiro

DRamaturgy of sign language and translation: Gal Naor

Video: Leo Baur

Light design: Robert Prideaux

Photos: Óskar Gonzalez

Graphic: Pedro Franz

Mentor: Judith Albrecht and Shiran Eliaserov

Advisor: Ingo Reulecke and Christiane Berger

Project manager: Julius Graupner


Project realised with the support of the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service. With the kind support of the German Stage Association, Berlin Regional Association and the Inclusion in Theatre Arts Teaching Project of the HfS Ernst Busch.


Premiere 01. - 02.12.2023 - 19Uhr - bat studiotheater, Belforterstr. 15, 10405